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Origins In The 19th Century

The Dawn of the Electric Automobile

Origins in the 19th Century

The genesis of the electric automobile can be traced back to 1881, when Gustave Trouvé, a French inventor, unveiled the world's first electric car. Propelled by a battery-powered motor, this groundbreaking invention paved the way for a new era of transportation.

A Breakthrough in 1941

Over six decades later, in September 1941, the automotive world witnessed another significant milestone. The STELA RCA, the first modern electric car, was introduced. Its sleek design and advanced engineering demonstrated the potential of electric vehicles as a practical and sustainable mode of transport.

Early Pioneers

One of the earliest pioneers of electric vehicles was the British inventor Anderson. In the late 18th century, he converted a horse-drawn carriage into an electrically powered vehicle, becoming an early trailblazer in this innovative field.
